Monday, 14 March 2011


I make the model began with a Box and then right click the box to choose Convert to Editable Poly. A modifier pops out on the right of the window.
Shape the body through Vertex modified and Polygons Extruded.  And then, I want to extrude a head from the body that I select the Polygons of top and extrude it by Bevel. After that, I continue to modify the shape through vertex and extrude command. According the preliminary sketch of my character that has a big head for looked cute, the contours of my mushroom would be present by the commands of Move and Uniform scale. Such as the top of head, I select all vertexes on the top and dwindle in size by the Uniform scale. As well as, I need modify the model in detail. In order to make the body look smooth on its surface, I applied the TurboSmooth tool, and the smoothness level of the body can be adjusted.

The next step, I made the arms and legs for the mushroom. I select the face that the area made of the added lines, and extrude it to make the contours of arm. The sharp made of add lines and extrude, adjusted the vertex and edge through move and scale tool.

Moreover, the tool of Symmetry modifier used that acts as a mirror or bridge of two symmetrical objects.

I made the eyes through the methods of tutorial taught. But there is this difference that the model I made for the UV Map and colour.

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